Highly Dedicated Recruiters
As established and highly dedicated recruitment specialists, we have developed a trusting relationship with our employer base over the years, that encompasses the UK, Africa, Europe, Middle and Far East with companies of varying sizes, from small contractor to large international organisations.
How We Support
We have a specialised understanding of the construction industry in the areas of planning and commercial management having recruited for such disciplines from graduate through to director level. We know the complexities of recruitment and take the time to understand your business and culture.
Our Approach
Too often employers are left dissatisfied with the quality or mismatched expectations of their placed candidates. Often the recruitment specialists lack an understanding of employer’s requirements, candidates experience and expectations during the screening process. Employers often consume an inordinate amount of their working day reviewing applications and preforming interviews with candidates that have clearly not been screened properly.
We adopt the latest recruitment techniques through digital innovation including social media. We offer to our employers only candidates who have passed our detailed screening process to ensure they have the right experience, attitude and knowledge for the roles. Our recruitment specialists have practiced in the field they are recruiting, therefore can thoroughly determine and match the perfect candidate to the right job. Our approach saves the employer time and money at both the front and back end of the recruitment journey.
We offer a full package service for employers from receiving the job brief, to writing the advertisement, candidate screening, arranging interviews, salary negotiations and reference checks.